Paydalanıwshı talqılawı:Sotiale
Tema qosıwKórinis
Eń sońǵı pikir: Importing temasında 8 ай бұрын Sotiale tárepinen jazılǵan
[redaktorlaw]What is the current status of importing? Is the problem you ran into being worked on? - dcljr (talqılaw) 00:17, 2024 j. maydıń 5 (+05)
- Unfortunately, this is a technical issue and I am waiting for clearance on this. --Sotiale (talqılaw) 17:09, 2024 j. maydıń 5 (+05)
- Is the same problem also preventing the other importing that needs to be done? - dcljr (talqılaw) 05:12, 2024 j. maydıń 6 (+05)
- Some of these are different technical issues than here, but most are not expected to interfere with the importing of (article) pages, although they may interfere with the importing of some namespace pages. In other words, since it is different from the problem here, I don't think there will be any major problems with importing. However, I am not performing any additional work after pausing the importing here. --Sotiale (talqılaw) 17:03, 2024 j. maydıń 6 (+05)
- If there is a new update, I plan to start importing here again and completely finish it within the week. --Sotiale (talqılaw) 17:34, 2024 j. maydıń 6 (+05)
- Is the same problem also preventing the other importing that needs to be done? - dcljr (talqılaw) 05:12, 2024 j. maydıń 6 (+05)